A quick blog to remind perspective clients on the importance of conducting due diligence when instructing a private investigator.
In this unregulated industry there are more unchecked operators out there than those who associate with any professional bodies. These cowboys regularly break the law to achieve clients results. One mistake from these guys could leave you (the client) high and dry by being dragged through the legal system very quickly indeed.
Carrying out due diligence on a private investigator is likely to require a private investigator in its self which defeats the whole point. We strongly advise utilising ABI approved investigators as the due diligence is already done for you. We are criminally vetted, our qualifications are scrutinised, we must hold public liability and professional indemnity insurance policies and we must be registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).
Protect your self when instructing a private investigator. Whether you wish to use Sentry Private Investigators or not, ensure you use an ABI affiliated member.