As of late, our surveillance operations have been starting earlier and earlier! It’s becoming the norm to rise at 03:00hrs and hit the road for a day of investigating. There are a few reasons for this, but mainly due to the distance we have to travel to get a job as well as the intelligence we received prior to our private investigations.
More often than not, our investigations lead us far from home. It is common practice to travel 100+ miles to get to a job, and as such we must account for extensive travel time during planning.
When we consult with our clients we like/need to understand a data subjects routines to allow for the best possible result on operations. Recently (for reasons of pure coincidence), most data subject‘s routines have included 06:00hr departures for work/dog walks/early morning fitness… With all surveillance operations, we like to be in position 1 hour prior to known departure times. This gives us time to conduct a recce and get setup for observations.
So (working backwards), 06:00hrs departure for the data subject - 05:00hrs arrival for the surveillance operative - 03:00hrs set off for 100+ mile road trip - 02:30hrs wake up - 19:00hrs go to bed!
Time appreciation is key in this job. If it’s not managed correctly, things can go wrong before you even start the job, putting you on the back foot for the rest of the day.
The early starts can be a real shock to the system for some people. However, having served plenty of years in the armed forces, we are fully accustomed to it. In the military and private investigations industry the early bird really does catch the worm!
Contact Us or Email us at: info@sentryprivateinvestigators.co.uk