Sentry Private Investigators Ltd
Sentry Private Investigators Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice
Sentry Private Investigators Ltd operatives are registered data controllers with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). All personal data/information including video and photographic imagery is handled strictly in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Rest assured that SPI are professional private investigators, and if you choose to take on our private detective services in Birmingham or surrounding counties, your identity will remain anonymous and all footage obtained from the operation will be handled in accordance with the law.
Part A. Privacy Notice
Part B. Cookie Notice
Part A. Privacy Notice
Description of Process
1. The following explains in broad terminology of the way this business processes personal data. For further information regarding the handling of your data, please contact Sentry Private Investigators Ltd directly with any queries you may have.
1.1 Processing Reasons
· To conduct investigations to a satisfactory standard as instructed by our client's (data controller's).
· To conform with GDPR requirements.
2. Types of Information
2.1 Personal Information
· Basic personal details
· Operational data (photo's, videos, reports etc).
· Social circles
· Family circles
· Employment details
· Financial information (business and personal)
2.2 Sensitive Information
· Ethnicity
· Religious beliefs
· Medical history
· Trade unions
· Criminal records
3. 3rd Party Data Subject's
3.1 Where necessary, information will be held for the following 3rd parties of involvement.
· Associates
· Colleagues
· Witnesses
· Customers
· Friends
· Family
4. Data Sharing
4.1 On occasion, we may be required to share data beyond our own organisation. Should this be necessary, the processes we implement are in accordance with the Data Protection ACT and GDPR requirements.
4.2 Where necessary, we may share data with the following...
· Tracers
· Local police
· Other investigators with involvement
· Government agencies
· Education and examining bodies
· Relatives, carers or legal guardians of the data subject
You may withdraw your consent to have your own personal data processed by contacting Sentry Private Investigators Ltd directly at info@sentryprivateinvestigators.co.uk.
Sentry Private Investigators Ltd conduct's surveillance operations and other forms of private investigation on a case-by-case basis as instructed by our clients. Investigations are on occasion sub-contracted out to other investigators once a vetting procedure has been satisfied. Qualifications, insurances, ICO registration and references are checked during vetting.
Collection of Personal Information
We collect and store your information when you complete an enquiry form through our website or engage with us via other means (telephone, Email etc).
Collection of Device Information
We collect device information from you. When you interact with our website, we may be privy to your general (not specific) geographic location and the device you may be using. This is in order for to improve our services through monitoring of analytics.
Content Interaction
If you engage in conversation with Sentry Private Private Investigators Ltd, we will always request permission in writing prior to distributing, displaying or posting comments on social media or other platforms.
Public Posts
Information you display (whether personal, sensitive, criminal etc) on the Sentry Private Investigators Ltd Blog, or all other social media accounts is done so at the authors own risk. From the point of posting, Sentry Private Investigators Ltd hold no control with how the data is then controlled, stored, recorded or shared. Sentry Private Investigators Ltd hold no responsibility with regards to third party postings in public forums.
Further Sources
Sentry Private Investigators Ltd may seek to obtain information about you from outside agencies who bare your permission to share your data. These sources are classed as Open Source and may well be gathered through online or offline means.
Research and Analytics
On occasion, we may use your information to analyse markets to assist in development and improvement our own products and services we offer.
Relevant communications
Unless you have told us otherwise, we may use your information to send you newsletters, bulletins and other information about the Sentry Private Investigators Ltd and its services, projects or campaigns.
Direct marketing
This may include communications by post, telephone, email and messages to your mobile phone and through social media (such as Facebook and Twitter) about us and our business products and services, events and offers, including for a reasonable time after you may have ceased subscription or services with us.
Sharing with third parties
We will only discuss your information with professionals working on behalf of your investigation when we have your permission to do so.
Linked Third Party Services
Our services are often linked to third party websites which are run and operated by parties outside of our organisation. The content we distribute to such websites usually consists of advertisements, blog posts, newsletter etc. We cannot be responsible for any additional content the websites publish and as such, they are likely to hold differing privacy policies to our organisation. Should such websites hold views or post content in which you disagree with, you should firstly contact the publishing website directly.
Social Media Sharing
We hold the right to share your personal information should you register for use of blog and by connecting with us on social media networks. If you wish for us not to share your personal information, please contact us directly and state your preferences.
Legal Disclosures
Should legal proceedings be brought against you and your personal details are requested to us by law enforcement agencies, we may be obliged to disclose your personal information to protect ours and others rights to prevent criminal or fraudulent activity.
Use of Our Services
Posting of abusive or offensive material on our blog or on our social media accounts may result in your content being deleted if deemed necessary. Dependent on the nature of the posted content, we may also consider notifying the respective authorities as well as third parties (family members, employers etc.)
Sale of Business
Upon sale of the business, we hold the right to pass on any and all personal data we hold to the new owners. The transfer of such data will be in conducted in accordance with GDPR requirements.
Payment of Services
Payment information will only be used to take payment for our services.
User Access and Control
Direct Marketing
Should you wish to opt out of receiving marketing correspondents, you can notify us directly by contacting us at info@sentryprivateinvestigators.co.uk.
Personal Data Requests
Should you request a copy of the data will hold about you, under GDPR we will provide this information free of charge within 1 month of written request. Please notify us should you notice any inaccuracies within your data file, and we will promptly amend any errors.
Retention of Data
Personal data will be stored for no longer than necessary but in any event, no longer than 2 years. Data will be destroyed with an accompanying Data Destruction Certificate once the data is deemed irrelevant to our organisation. Please refer to our Data Protection Policy found on our website at www.sentryprivateinvestigators.co.uk for more information regarding our data retention practices. Data we hold in relation to ongoing investigations may not be destroyed upon request.
Part B Cookie Notice
Cookies are tiny segments of code used to identify a user's device when the user interacts with our website. Generally, cookies are used to improve site performance for the user by remembering pre-visited pages etc.
Our Use of Cookies
With our target service area focusing on the West and East Midland regions, one of our main reason for the use of cookies is for geographical reasons. It is important for us to understand the general locations of our potential customer base in order for to engage and adapt to markets appropriately.
We collect our website analytical data for a whole host of reasons. The data is used to understand our target market. This could be focusing on...
- Age groups
- Sex
- Geographical Locations
- User device
- Site visits times
- Time spent of site
- Bounce rates
Should you require further information regarding our privacy notices, please contact us directly at info@sentryprivateinvestigators.co.uk.